Jim Shirey's Genealogical Home Page
ge-ne-al-o-gist: n. 1. a person who spends more time searching for dead relatives than spending time with living relatives. 2. a person who can not remember his own wedding anniversary but knows his great-great-grandmother's birthdate. 3. a person who spends a lot of time talking with others about long-time deceased people. 4. a person with no other hobbies.
Gratiot County MIGenWeb |
Grand Ledge High School class of 1973 home page | |
Grand Ledge High School Boys Cross Country Grand Ledge High School Girls Cross Country |
TownHall.com. Conservative News Republican National Committee FOX News. News without media's typical leftist slant Drudge Report |
Charles Sykes | 9:30am-1:00pm ET | 620 AM WTMJ Milwaukee, Regional | http://www.620wtmj.com/blogs/charliesykes |
Glenn Beck | 9am-12 ET | National | http://www.glennbeck.com/ |
Rush Limbaugh | 12-3pm ET | National | http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/ |
Bill O'Reilly | various | National, FOX | http://www.billoreilly.com |
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If you would like to drop me a line, or have any questions about the information above you can reach me at: jrshirey@wowway.com
last modified 1 January 2015